this is my academic blog..(^__^)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Plato's Myth of The Cave Ilhani Version


Have you ever heard about "Plato's Myth of the cave"? Last week, I got a chance to learn it when Sir Kamaraziz distribute the hand out about the Plato's Myth of the cave..
Ancient Greece Philosopher, Plato

“ Plato's Myth of the cave" is an argument that we can't be sure we know reality.This story illustrates Plato's idealism.  The objects we see, hear, touch are shadows of the real things. The reason is human beings don't have a full sense of a real and complete life because of the world. Plato describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to ascribe forms to these shadows. According to Socrates, the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality. He then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not constitute reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.
 Plato's Myth of the Cave

The Allegory is related to Plato's Theory of Forms,according to which the "Forms" (or "Ideas"), and not the material world of change known to us through sensation, possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality. Only knowledge of the Forms constitutes real knowledge. In addition, the Allegory of the Cave is an attempt to explain the philosopher's place in society: to attempt to enlighten the "prisoners".

Source: wikipedia

Here is my task for Plato's Myth of the Cave..

Choose a setting/reality that is similar to this story.
  ~unrequited love conflict

These objects symbolizes:
  ~ the prisoners: person who suffered of unrequited love
  ~the chains: the feeling of love that they have towards particular person which is they falling in love to
  ~the fire: the feeling of love which is not accepted
  ~the shadows and the images: love
  ~the puppet players: men or women who are cannot accepted one's love
  ~the old man: friends

In the context which you have selected, why do you think that the prisoner still insist that the images which he has seen before are much more real than statues?
~ The person is only believe in the shadows and the images of ones that he or she love very much and not believe others thing which is reality in his or her life.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Metaphor Vs Simile


Lil' brief the meaning of metaphor and simile. Both looks same but actually there is a differences.
Metaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word.

Meanwhile, the definition of simile is:
A simile is a figure of speech that indirectly compares two different things by employing the words "like", "as", or "than".Even though similes and metaphors are both forms of comparison, similes indirectly compare the two ideas and allow them to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, whereas metaphors compare two things directly.

Here, the examples of metaphor:

~love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs
~man is an alien
~love is virus
~forgiveness is the sweetest revenge
~life is a candle
~he is a drug in my soul
~love is the sweetest drug
~he is my aspirin
~life is a lines
~green is envy
~truth is a glass ~love is oxygen
~The noise is music to my ears
~Love is a growing garland.
~Your friendship is the picture to my frame
~School is a gateway to adulthood 
~She is my East and my West, my compass.
~Love is a fragile flower opening to the warmth of Spring
~She is a dog when she eats
Examples of simile:

As bold as brass
As brave as a lion
As bright as a button
As bright as a new pin
As bright as day
As bright as the sun
As busy as a beaver
As busy as a bee
As busy as a cat on a hot tin roof
As calm as a millpond
As clear as a bell
As clean as a hound's tooth
As clean as a whistle
As clear as crystal
As clear as mud
As cold as ice
As common as dirt
As cool as a cucumber
As crazy as a loon
As cunning as a fox
As cute as a baby
As cute as a button
As cute as a cup cake
As damp as the salty blue ocean
As dead as a doornail
As dead as the dodo
As deaf as a post
As delicate as a flower
As dense as a brick
As different as chalk from cheese
As drunk as a lord
As dry as a bone
As dry as dust
As dull as dishwater
As easy as A.B.C.

As easy as pie
As fast as a racecar
As fat as a hippo
As fat as a pig
As fit as a fiddle
As flat as a pancake
As free as a bird
As fresh as a daisy
As funny as a balloon
As gentle as a lamb As good as gold
As hairy as an ape
As happy as a clown
As happy as a lark
As happy as Larry
As happy as a rat with a gold tooth
As hard as nails
As hard as rock
As high as a kite
As hoarse as a crow
As hot as a fire cracker
As hot as hell
As hungry as a bear
As hungry as a wolf
As innocent as a lamb
As keen as mustard
As large as life
As light as a feather 
As light as air
As likely as not
As loud as a lion
As lowly as a worm
As mad as a hatter
As mad as a hornet
As mad as the march hare
As merry as a cricket
As modest as a maiden
As much use as a yard of pump water
As naked as a baby
As neat as a pin
As nutty as a fruitcake
As obstinate as a mule
As old as dirt
As old as the hills
As pale as death
As pale as a ghost
As patient as Job
As plain as day
As pleased as Punch
As poor as a church mouse
As poor as dirt
As pretty as a picture
As proud as a peacock
As pure as snow
As pure as the driven snow
As quick as a wink
As quick as lightning
As quick as silver
As quiet as a mouse
As rich as gold
As right as rain
As round as a barrel
As round as a circle
As round as a sphere
As safe as houses
As scarce as hen's teeth
As sensitive as a flower
As sharp as a needle
As sharp as a razor
As sick as a dog
As sick as a parrt
As silent as the dead
As silent as the grave
As silly as a goose
As sleepy as a koala
As slippery as an eel
As slow as molasses
As slow as a snail
As slow as a tortoise
As slow as a turtle
As slow as a wet weekend
As sly as a fox
As smart as an owl
As smooth as silk
As snug as a bug in a rug
As sober as a judge
As soft as a baby's bottom
As solid as a rock
As solid as the ground we stand on
As sound as a bell
As sour as vinegar
As steady as a rock
As sticky as jam
As stiff as a board
As still as death
As straight as an arrow
As strong as an ox
As stubborn as a mule
As sturdy as an oak
As sure as death and taxes
As sweet as honey

As tall as a giraffe
As tight as a drum
As thick as a brick
As thin as a rake
As thin as a toothpick
As timid as a rabbit
As tiny as a grain of sand
As tough as leather
As tough as nails
As tough as old boots
As tricky as a box of monkeys
As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party
As white as a ghost
As white as a sheet
As white as snow
As wise as Solomon
As wise as an owl
Worked as hard as an alabama cottonpicker

~It's been a hard day's night,
and I've been working like a dog
~life is like a stormy sea
~the bride’s face is glowing like a bright sun
~tongue is like a sharp knife
~as busy as a bee
~her heart brokes like a glass fall on the floor
~life is like gambling

Saturday 12 March 2011

James Kelly Is Jack the Ripper???

Two weeks ago, I learned about Jack the Ripper regarding to learn how to write premises, argument and sub-argument. Now, I was assigned to write a criticise about James Kelly is the most likely to be Jack the Ripper.

In early 1888,which is around the Whitechapel district of London, Jack the Ripper was very popular among the residents. Jack the Ripper is the best-known name that was given by resident to an unidentified serial killer who was very active in Whichapel. Other  nicknames used for the killer at that time were "The Whitechapel Murderer" and "Leather Apron". Jack the Ripper killed five victims so called as conical five which are Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and last but not least Mary Jane Kelly. Their face were mutilated and some of them, their organ have been removed such as a kidney. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to proposals that the killer is an anatomical or surgical knowledge.

Due to that, there are 28 suspect which are meet the critieria of  being Jack the Ripper. The suspects were listed by the police opinion, press and public opinion and also from later authors opinion.

Here, the suspect that will be discuss is James Kelly.

James Kelly born on James Kelly (20 April 1860 – 17 September 1929) was first identified as a suspect in Prisoner 1167: The madman who was Jack the Ripper, by Jim Tully, in 1997. He does not has any family relationship with Mary Kelly, the last victim. He work as a funiture upholsterer. He was sent to Dr Robert Hurworth's Commercial Academy in New Brighton to learn bookkeeping and clerical skills. In my point of view, James Kelly is the less likely to be Jack the Ripper because he does not have surgical knowledge, and how can a furniture upholsterer can stab his victims precisely? Besides, Jack the Ripper has been claimed as a person with surgical knowledge. Its shown from all the five victms body. Being depression because of his venereal disease, James Kelly stabbed his wife’s neck because he blame his wife being a reason for he was suffered of venereal disease. However, his wife died three days after being stabbed. This also show that he was not Jack the Ripper because generally, all Jack the Ripper’s victim died immediately after being stabbed.

End of brief.

Article Review

Now, it's time for assignment. The first assignment that was assigned for Critical Literacy subject is review on four short articles that was given by Sir Kamaraziz last Monday.I need to apply the rules of 10 that i've learned before in this task. The articles were written from four different philosophers and experts. Overall, the articles are very interesting.

The first article is "Thinking Folly" written by Eckhart Tolle fom his  best known work, "The Power Of Now". In this article, he mentioned that we are not our mind and thinking is a disease because usually we do not use it at all.

Second article is written by Betrand Arthur William Russell or known as Betrand Russell entitled on "The Degree Of Happiness" from his book, "The Conquest of Happiness". Betrand Russell stated that everyone reach their own happiness in their life. However, he mentioned that mostly scientist is the happiest person because they reached their goals and an artist and also literary men will be unhappy if the public cannot understand their works.

"Man and women are merely players" is the third article. This excerpt was written by Robert Greene from his book, "The 48 Laws of Power". In this article, he stated that to obtain power or position, usually men and women used the dirty ways to achieve it. He also added, this always happen for men and women in this world.

The forth article is entitled on ''The Jews and Their Deceits". This article was written by famous German politician, Adolf Hitler. In this article, he mentioned the actual attitude of Jews and I need to choose side which is agree or disagree with his statement.

Basically, I think that these four articles very interesting because the authors stressed on different topics and it is related to our own life. (^__^)

Friday 4 February 2011

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Last week, on Tuesday's night, my classmate and I watched an old movie entitled Plan 9 From Outer Space for our subject, Critical Literacy. Frankly speaking, when I watched the trailer of this film, it seem a boring film because it is black and white film. Additionally, this film always been criticized on its quality and special effects. However, this film has its own hidden messages for audience. A little bit review on Plan 9 From Outer Space the worst movie ever made in 1959. This science fiction/horror movie was directed by Edward Wood Junior or well known as Ed. Wood Jr. He made a number of cheap genre films. Besides, he also was awarded a Golden Turkey Award which is the Worst Director. Not just of the year but all the time.The casts in Plan 9 From Outer Space were Gregory Walcott, Mona McKinnon, Tor Johnson and Maila  Nurmi.

Best worst movie ever made

This film is all about the space aliens which is Eros and Tanna who tried to conquer the earth resurrection of the dead people and the police included armies try very hard to find the clues and source about the mysterious that occurred in San Fernando.This story began when two grave diggers are filling the grave of a dead woman, the young wife of an old man. they heard a strange noise and decide to leave the cemetery. While they turn to leave the cemetery, the resurrected corpse of the old man's wife attacks and kills them.When the old man died, the same thing also happened.

Eros and Tanna,the aliens.

According to that, Inspector Daniel Clay investigate the cemetery to find the source of the mystery that happened. Unfortunately, he was attacked and killed by the resurrected old man. Then, the pilot, Jeff Trent also heard a weird sound when he fly with his friends. After that, Trent and two other men found a saucer in graveyard, which is the ship that the aliens used for resurrected the corpse. Next, Jeff confronts the aliens. Eros said that his people came to Earth to ask for their aid, but  he claimed that humans wouldn't listen to their messages and may harm all the universe and its contributed to fighting among Trent and Eros. The story ends when Eros and Tanna were trapped in ship and then the ship exploded.

In my point of view, this film is a good movie even it is a bad movie ever made by Ed. Wood Jr. Lets us forget about the low quality and bad special effects in this movie. This film has its own messages if we were noticed it. In this movie, the alien named Eros,stated that human activities will harm the whole universe. I agreed with that statement because any human activity such as open burning will affected the whole world including the outer space creatures. Plan 9 from Outer Space also give a moral value for human to appreciate our nature.

So, this movie are really good worst movie that I have ever watched in my life.Thanks to Sir Kamaraziz for this film. (^__^)

Saturday 29 January 2011

Superstition Vs Women

This is my third task for Critical Literacy subject. I have to analyse the superstition from both side of my brain...Our brains were divided into two part  which are the right-brain and left-brain. Commonly, left-brain was used to critise about anything which is against our norm, nature or religion. Besides, the right-brain functioned as to feel or think emphatic towards other's concept of right and wrong as the basic of one's reality. I choose superstitions which come from Malay culture. Its all about the young lady. So,lets work,brain!

"If a lady sings while cooking, she will be destined to marry an old man."

Left brain (Criticsm)

~ Any activities or attitude cannot determine who will be our future husband because it is a against our religion and culture. Additionally, only God knows who will be our marriage partner.

~ In my point of view,it's not appropriate for a lady who is singing in the kitchen because it's against our Malay custom.

old man??

Right Brain (Emphatic)

~The lady should focus on cooking only in order to avoid any accidents from happen to her.

~The kitchen is for cooking and is not a appropriate place for singing.

"Ladies should not wake up late or it'll be difficult to get a marriage partner."
Left Brain (Criticsm)

~ If the ladies were difficult to get marriage partner,it is because she didn't find her Mr.Right yet or maybe she was very choosy in find her partner.

~Waking up late doesn't make any sense towards someone's fate in marriage. Only God know about it and this attitude doesn't reflects to anyone's luck.

Right Brain (Emphatic)

 ~For a lady, waking up late is not good manner.
~ In Malay culture, waking up late can be defined as laziness and lady always be symbolised as a hardworking person.

In my opinion, frankly speaking that these superstitions are only to shape our attitude, especially for girls nowadays(included me). They shouldn't misbehave from our custom and religion border.

The Rules of 10

What is the rules of 10?? Is it related to our life??

Actually,no..but it is very familiar and important for a student like me..In Critical Literacy, this 10 are very important before we review on the helps student to understand the, i create this mnemonic to remember it and use it for reviewing on article...this is the simplest mnemonic due to remember the rules of 10..

The Cruelest, Sarcastic, Arrogant R Patty, Penelope, Penny In Virginia..

this mnemonic stand for:

R-Rhetorical function
V-Visual Image

Monday 17 January 2011

Eureka Moment

After I've learned in CL(Critical Literacy) finally,I understand what is the meaning of eureka instead of tv series, eureka is said by famous Greek mathematician, Archimedes. Its means ''I Have Found It" or "I Got It". I know everyone has their own eureka experiences. Same goes with me. Here, I'm gladly to share about my eureka moment.

i got it!!

It happen when I studied here. I don't want to mention his name but let me named him as ''A". it happens when I was in secondary school. Before this, i thought that he is very good and a decent person. it's written from his appearance but it's definitely wrong. after be a friend for a few month, my perception on him is totally changed.   he showed his true colours. he wasn't like i think and expect before. he is really3 snobbish person!

Why?? it is because he thinks that everyone like him. I knew that he has many friends and of course i’m not jealous about that but he always to expose that everyone like him. Sometimes, he always make me touch of the words that he said. Besides, he also wants to show that he knows about everything.  Yes, i know he is brilliant but it can make anyone feel offend. he should minds his word before he talk. He also been rude with one of our teacher because of the teacher caught him from cheating during examination.

After that, I never talk to him anymore because of his attitude. I think this is my eureka moment. it’s gives many lesson to me for not to judge people by their appearance. I thought a good and innocent physical will reflects to a good attitude but it’s wasn’t. This makes me realises that i shouldn’t be cheated by the physically only.

First Birth

I began my academic blog with bismillahirahmanirrahim.. hopefully, it will be a platform and practices for me to improve my's simple,do follow me, and i will hit you back..(^___^)