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Saturday 12 March 2011

Article Review

Now, it's time for assignment. The first assignment that was assigned for Critical Literacy subject is review on four short articles that was given by Sir Kamaraziz last Monday.I need to apply the rules of 10 that i've learned before in this task. The articles were written from four different philosophers and experts. Overall, the articles are very interesting.

The first article is "Thinking Folly" written by Eckhart Tolle fom his  best known work, "The Power Of Now". In this article, he mentioned that we are not our mind and thinking is a disease because usually we do not use it at all.

Second article is written by Betrand Arthur William Russell or known as Betrand Russell entitled on "The Degree Of Happiness" from his book, "The Conquest of Happiness". Betrand Russell stated that everyone reach their own happiness in their life. However, he mentioned that mostly scientist is the happiest person because they reached their goals and an artist and also literary men will be unhappy if the public cannot understand their works.

"Man and women are merely players" is the third article. This excerpt was written by Robert Greene from his book, "The 48 Laws of Power". In this article, he stated that to obtain power or position, usually men and women used the dirty ways to achieve it. He also added, this always happen for men and women in this world.

The forth article is entitled on ''The Jews and Their Deceits". This article was written by famous German politician, Adolf Hitler. In this article, he mentioned the actual attitude of Jews and I need to choose side which is agree or disagree with his statement.

Basically, I think that these four articles very interesting because the authors stressed on different topics and it is related to our own life. (^__^)

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