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Saturday 12 March 2011

James Kelly Is Jack the Ripper???

Two weeks ago, I learned about Jack the Ripper regarding to learn how to write premises, argument and sub-argument. Now, I was assigned to write a criticise about James Kelly is the most likely to be Jack the Ripper.

In early 1888,which is around the Whitechapel district of London, Jack the Ripper was very popular among the residents. Jack the Ripper is the best-known name that was given by resident to an unidentified serial killer who was very active in Whichapel. Other  nicknames used for the killer at that time were "The Whitechapel Murderer" and "Leather Apron". Jack the Ripper killed five victims so called as conical five which are Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and last but not least Mary Jane Kelly. Their face were mutilated and some of them, their organ have been removed such as a kidney. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to proposals that the killer is an anatomical or surgical knowledge.

Due to that, there are 28 suspect which are meet the critieria of  being Jack the Ripper. The suspects were listed by the police opinion, press and public opinion and also from later authors opinion.

Here, the suspect that will be discuss is James Kelly.

James Kelly born on James Kelly (20 April 1860 – 17 September 1929) was first identified as a suspect in Prisoner 1167: The madman who was Jack the Ripper, by Jim Tully, in 1997. He does not has any family relationship with Mary Kelly, the last victim. He work as a funiture upholsterer. He was sent to Dr Robert Hurworth's Commercial Academy in New Brighton to learn bookkeeping and clerical skills. In my point of view, James Kelly is the less likely to be Jack the Ripper because he does not have surgical knowledge, and how can a furniture upholsterer can stab his victims precisely? Besides, Jack the Ripper has been claimed as a person with surgical knowledge. Its shown from all the five victms body. Being depression because of his venereal disease, James Kelly stabbed his wife’s neck because he blame his wife being a reason for he was suffered of venereal disease. However, his wife died three days after being stabbed. This also show that he was not Jack the Ripper because generally, all Jack the Ripper’s victim died immediately after being stabbed.

End of brief.

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