this is my academic blog..(^__^)

Monday 17 January 2011

Eureka Moment

After I've learned in CL(Critical Literacy) finally,I understand what is the meaning of eureka instead of tv series, eureka is said by famous Greek mathematician, Archimedes. Its means ''I Have Found It" or "I Got It". I know everyone has their own eureka experiences. Same goes with me. Here, I'm gladly to share about my eureka moment.

i got it!!

It happen when I studied here. I don't want to mention his name but let me named him as ''A". it happens when I was in secondary school. Before this, i thought that he is very good and a decent person. it's written from his appearance but it's definitely wrong. after be a friend for a few month, my perception on him is totally changed.   he showed his true colours. he wasn't like i think and expect before. he is really3 snobbish person!

Why?? it is because he thinks that everyone like him. I knew that he has many friends and of course i’m not jealous about that but he always to expose that everyone like him. Sometimes, he always make me touch of the words that he said. Besides, he also wants to show that he knows about everything.  Yes, i know he is brilliant but it can make anyone feel offend. he should minds his word before he talk. He also been rude with one of our teacher because of the teacher caught him from cheating during examination.

After that, I never talk to him anymore because of his attitude. I think this is my eureka moment. it’s gives many lesson to me for not to judge people by their appearance. I thought a good and innocent physical will reflects to a good attitude but it’s wasn’t. This makes me realises that i shouldn’t be cheated by the physically only.

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