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Saturday 29 January 2011

Superstition Vs Women

This is my third task for Critical Literacy subject. I have to analyse the superstition from both side of my brain...Our brains were divided into two part  which are the right-brain and left-brain. Commonly, left-brain was used to critise about anything which is against our norm, nature or religion. Besides, the right-brain functioned as to feel or think emphatic towards other's concept of right and wrong as the basic of one's reality. I choose superstitions which come from Malay culture. Its all about the young lady. So,lets work,brain!

"If a lady sings while cooking, she will be destined to marry an old man."

Left brain (Criticsm)

~ Any activities or attitude cannot determine who will be our future husband because it is a against our religion and culture. Additionally, only God knows who will be our marriage partner.

~ In my point of view,it's not appropriate for a lady who is singing in the kitchen because it's against our Malay custom.

old man??

Right Brain (Emphatic)

~The lady should focus on cooking only in order to avoid any accidents from happen to her.

~The kitchen is for cooking and is not a appropriate place for singing.

"Ladies should not wake up late or it'll be difficult to get a marriage partner."
Left Brain (Criticsm)

~ If the ladies were difficult to get marriage partner,it is because she didn't find her Mr.Right yet or maybe she was very choosy in find her partner.

~Waking up late doesn't make any sense towards someone's fate in marriage. Only God know about it and this attitude doesn't reflects to anyone's luck.

Right Brain (Emphatic)

 ~For a lady, waking up late is not good manner.
~ In Malay culture, waking up late can be defined as laziness and lady always be symbolised as a hardworking person.

In my opinion, frankly speaking that these superstitions are only to shape our attitude, especially for girls nowadays(included me). They shouldn't misbehave from our custom and religion border.