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Friday 4 February 2011

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Last week, on Tuesday's night, my classmate and I watched an old movie entitled Plan 9 From Outer Space for our subject, Critical Literacy. Frankly speaking, when I watched the trailer of this film, it seem a boring film because it is black and white film. Additionally, this film always been criticized on its quality and special effects. However, this film has its own hidden messages for audience. A little bit review on Plan 9 From Outer Space the worst movie ever made in 1959. This science fiction/horror movie was directed by Edward Wood Junior or well known as Ed. Wood Jr. He made a number of cheap genre films. Besides, he also was awarded a Golden Turkey Award which is the Worst Director. Not just of the year but all the time.The casts in Plan 9 From Outer Space were Gregory Walcott, Mona McKinnon, Tor Johnson and Maila  Nurmi.

Best worst movie ever made

This film is all about the space aliens which is Eros and Tanna who tried to conquer the earth resurrection of the dead people and the police included armies try very hard to find the clues and source about the mysterious that occurred in San Fernando.This story began when two grave diggers are filling the grave of a dead woman, the young wife of an old man. they heard a strange noise and decide to leave the cemetery. While they turn to leave the cemetery, the resurrected corpse of the old man's wife attacks and kills them.When the old man died, the same thing also happened.

Eros and Tanna,the aliens.

According to that, Inspector Daniel Clay investigate the cemetery to find the source of the mystery that happened. Unfortunately, he was attacked and killed by the resurrected old man. Then, the pilot, Jeff Trent also heard a weird sound when he fly with his friends. After that, Trent and two other men found a saucer in graveyard, which is the ship that the aliens used for resurrected the corpse. Next, Jeff confronts the aliens. Eros said that his people came to Earth to ask for their aid, but  he claimed that humans wouldn't listen to their messages and may harm all the universe and its contributed to fighting among Trent and Eros. The story ends when Eros and Tanna were trapped in ship and then the ship exploded.

In my point of view, this film is a good movie even it is a bad movie ever made by Ed. Wood Jr. Lets us forget about the low quality and bad special effects in this movie. This film has its own messages if we were noticed it. In this movie, the alien named Eros,stated that human activities will harm the whole universe. I agreed with that statement because any human activity such as open burning will affected the whole world including the outer space creatures. Plan 9 from Outer Space also give a moral value for human to appreciate our nature.

So, this movie are really good worst movie that I have ever watched in my life.Thanks to Sir Kamaraziz for this film. (^__^)